Thursday, March 12, 2009

Surgery is Finished!!!

We're done and 45 minutes early! Dr. Petracek came down at about 6:20 p.m. and gave me the low-down. He looked happy. I really really like him I decided :) Valve is fully repaired with NO leaking! I'll go into more details later. I'll go see him in about an hour and I'll let you know more. But it's all good news here!! :)

I know that in the past I have been one of those people who have thought "Oh they don't need another phone message, text, email. I'm sure they've been bombarded all day, I'll just leave them alone" But truly it has meant so much to receive everyone's kind words, encouragement, prayers, etc. Every single one!!!! We love you all so so much and we're so incredibly thankful for you! Please continue to pray for recovery in the days ahead.


  1. Gen -
    That is wonderful news. We were praying for you and Jayme today at MSP. Thanks for the update.
    Love and prayers -
    Kristin H.

  2. this is such an awesome answer to prayer and witness to Gods faithfulness. love you......praying for comfort {no pain} for Jayme tonight. thanks for the update.

  3. So glad to hear it all went well. I was in prayer as much as possible. Aunt Pat and I will remember you both at the retreat and aks others to join us. I hope they have internet. If so we will keep up to date through the blog. Thanks for letting us know how everything went.
    Love you!!

  4. Glad to hear the surgery went well! That's good news. You've got alot of comments and support on Jimmy's myspace page. Check it out during recovery! See ya soon.

    -Rob Daniels

  5. I'm so glad to hear that the Dr. could repair Jaymes Valve!! You must all be so relieved!! I've been waiting to hear the Good News! Thank You for the kind words! Now you both can relax and recover and get much needed rest! God Bless you!
