Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Bill...*dun dun dun*

In the mail today we got the big bill from Vanderbilt. Can I just say it is laughable. Not to undermine what these men and women do daily to save lives but some of it is just "come on, really!?" 

You wanna see the breakdown? Here goes:

Coronary Intensive Care 1 Day $ 3,450.00
Coronary Step Down 3 Days $ 4,875.00
Procedure Room $28,712.00
Anesthesia, Materials & Serv. $ 3,749.00
Radiology $ 1,057.00
Pharmacy $11,271.51
Laboratory $ 4,871.00
Central Supplies $10,752.00
IV Solutions $ 2,045.86
EKG/EEG $    424.00
Respiratory Therapy $ 3,908.00
Pulmonary Function $     465.00

Total Charges $75,580.37

All I have to say is that if "Respiratory Therapy" is the small plastic breathing exercise thing that they gave him that looks like it could have been manufactured for the Dollar Store I will die. 

All this does not include the Heart Catheter procedure from Williamson Medical either. We haven't received that bill yet.

However, I will also say that this is the first time I have been thankful for our Insurance. As I begrudgingly pay what I think is an extreme amount of money each month to rarely ever reap the benefits from it, I am finally grateful. Although even with Insurance our part is unfortunately more money than we can pay at the moment so if you would please continue to pray for financial breakthrough in this season for us, that'd be much appreciated!! 

Oh yeah, and Jayme is feeling a lot better even just this afternoon. He slept better last night but still not great. He hasn't taken a Percocet at all today but took some more Ibuprfoen this evening and is feeling so much better. It must have been inflammation. We're looking forward to hopefully a great night's sleep tonight! 

1 comment:

  1. Genevieve yes the Respiratory Therapy is the small plastic breathing exercise thing. As always my prayers are you and Jayme.
