Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 3

It was 11 a.m. before I got here today. Busy morning with Evangeline and an errand. Kym said he did really well through the night. He actually really slept for the first time. Of course you still have people coming in every 4 hours so it gets broken up but at least he rested. 

He was having a really good morning...and then they removed the chest tubes. Which is a good thing, but it caused him a lot of pain. 

He has been really great the last hour. He's gone to the bathroom, ate quite a bit, and was just up talking to me too. I think the pain is being managed really well. Of course it still hurts and he even said to me this morning, "Maybe I just have wrong expectations for how much pain I should be feeling." I told him that I don't know what he's feeling but this seems to be pretty good. Pain is not supposed to be absent, he's just supposed to be able to tolerate it and still function well. I think we're in a good place. 

I think he will have more scarring than we had thought of. He'll probably have a scar on his neck where the "swan tube" (?) was and I'm assuming the chest tubes will leave a scar, plus the incision sites. We'll see I guess. 


  1. I wanted to tell you i know a lot of what you are going through. I am Jake's aunt and my husband larry had double bypass a couple years ago. You can only give them positive feedback and trust me the first few days, they will not remember the moods. Larry had the morphine and told me i wasn't even there, so it does play tricks on them. It sounds like now he is moving into the right direction. Our thoughts and prayers are with the three of you. Will be so glad to see Jayme back on the road again and doing what he likes and is so good at. Take care of yourself too, and remember every so often you take a break, it helps.
    Joyce Clayton

  2. Iam working it trying to find a treadmill for you. I have hit many people as you can ask Kymmie. I have not met you, however I fell connected with you.
