Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Restless Night

Whew, what a night. This healing process is so unpredictable. Jayme has been doing so well and taking only 1 Percocet for the pain each day and was having just a normal, good day yesterday until he got in bed last night. Almost as soon as he laid down he was in instant pain right around the incision area. He took another Percocet about 30 minutes into it and it wasn't even touching the pain. He tried to get comfortable and I drifted in and out of sleep for the next 4 hours until finally sometime around 3 or 3:30 a.m. we called the hospital. 

We spoke with the doctor on-call and he told him to take another Percocet and some Ibuprofen because it sounded like pain caused by inflammation. He also said that heat may help it. So Jayme took that, we heated up some rice 'socks' that Laurel made for me for my labor with Evangeline and he finally found a position in the bed that helped put some pressure on the area that hurt and got a little bit of sleep. Thankfully Evangeline slept until 9:30 this morning, yay! :) 

Needless to say it was not the most rested night either of us has ever had but at least he got some sleep and is doing a bit better this morning. It's always better when he's up and moving. We spoke with Dr. Petracek's nurse this morning and she said that while it stinks right now he will probably feel 100% better this time next week. And she confirmed that it sounded skeletal, like it is just his rib cage moving back into alignment. 

This pain just kind of snuck up on us unexpected since things have been going so well but we continue to be thankful for what is overall an exceptionally quick and easy recovery. 

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