Friday, March 13, 2009

In The Chair

We both got to sleep for about an hour and at 4:30 a.m. they began to sit him up in bed and move him to the chair to have him upright for a while. It was a very smooth and easy transition! He's doing well with a morphine drip right now and is much more content and very much himself again. Whew. Still much dicomfort, and very ready to have all the tubes hanging by his face gone but he has come a very long way in a few short hours.


  1. Keep the faith! This is the worst of it! We are all still holding you up in prayer. I am so blessed by your faith and trust in the Lord. Be honest with Him and yourselves. He knows your heart anyway. Thanks for all these updates. It helps direct my prayers.
    Love you!

  2. Looks like you and Jayme had a long night. I hope you are able to rest today. What a wonderful blessing to have a nurse who can relate to Jayme and his pain. The Lord is providing every step of the way! Praying for strength and healing for you both.

