Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 2

We're doing well. He was moved out of ICU and into his own room for the "step-down" program. There are no time frames at this point as to when he'll move to his final recovery room. It's all dependent on progress. For now our room number is 6211 in the main hospital. Eventually he will move to another tower. All of the really annoying tubes that were in is neck and hanging on his arm are gone. He just has the chest tubes now, and of the course the I.V.s 

He has walked around the halls and they were impressed at how well he held himself upright. He's in a chair again now and resting. He has been to the bathroom and even ate a little dinner. It's progress little by little. I will say he is frustrated that everything is much more conducive to short people. His legs hang off of most things so we have make-shift ottomans and such :) 

I went home at about 8:00 this morning and his sister Michele stayed with him. Mom and John came shortly after that and Kym tried to catch some rest in case she is the one who will stay with him tonight. I got a 3 1/2 hour nap, a shower, and some time with Evangeline so I'm doing much better. 

Jayme had his first visitors this afternoon and that helped his spirits. It's hard to remember life outside your hospital room at this point so it's nice when life is brought to you. So thank you Adam, Bryan, Daniel, Jenny, and Mike, Danny, Jill, Jeremy, and Darci... And BIG thanks to Will (a friend of mine from high school who works anesthesia  here at Vandy) for coming by and checking in and helping Jayme put some perspective on the meds and his responses to them. 

Will update soon. 


  1. You have done a wonderful Job of keeping everybody updated through this whole process I don't know how you are keeping up!! Everything sounds like it is going well!! I didn't know how much tubes and all that Jayme would have to deal with when they fix a Valve! I just got to meet more of the Band members at the Crocodile Rock Cafe in Allentown, PA in Feb. and Jayme just happen to be sitting there eating his dinner and I asked Zac a question! I got to meet all the Band Members and they are a great bunch of guys!! This is so special that this is set up and also the Video Jimmy had on his My Space! That Bus Dance was unbeleiveable!! I'm sure he's not quite up to that for a long while!! God Bless you all and may Jayme continue to get better and that you all get the much needed rest and Jayme pain releive!! Thank You!!

  2. you are such a sweet wife. i'm with the girls {COLMANblue} and we've been thinking and praying for you today. be are doing a great job supporting Jayme. love yoU!!!

  3. Genevieve, I once read a book called the Four Agreements and one of the agreements is to 'do your best everyday'. But, then it talks about how your best one day is not equal to your best another day. Over the next few weeks, just do the best you can at any given moment and be gentle with yourself. It is very difficult to watch someone you love in pain and not be able to really fix it. Your loving patience will be what Jayme remembers. I will continue to pray for you and Jayme. May God bless you both ABUNDANTLY and keep your spirits high as you both weather this storm.

    I once heard this great analogy for the difficult trials we go through. They compared it to ceramic pottery of all things. The artist molds this lump of clay into shape but it's not until it goes through the kiln that it becomes what the artist truly intended. God puts us through fire/challenging times so that we can become what He intends us to be!

    I am a friend of a friend, in another state, and I'm certain we shall never meet. I say this just to let you know, there are many others like me, praying for a speedy, painless (wouldn't that be nice) recovery. May your faith and marriage be strengthen through this. Many blessings, J.

  4. Prayers are winging their way to you and your family from Niagara Falls, Ontario.

    God Bless.

