Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 1 of 2nd Hospital Visit

All is well. I just got home from spending time with Jayme at the hospital again. At least we got a night out together - Hahaha, now come on, that deserves credit for some positive thinking. ;)

Our friend Brian drove Jayme to the hospital this afternoon and stayed with him for a while as he got settled. He called me to let me know how things were going and was laughing as he told me how Jayme was playfully arguing (but serious) with the supervisor and a med student in opposition to the student being the one to put his IV in. The supervisor continued to call him a wuss, the med student tried their best to convince him of his/her ability and Jayme proceeded to present his case of how his left arm still aches from his IV 3 weeks ago. I can just picture it all. 

I didn't make it down there until about 8:30 this evening after my sister got here to watch Evangeline. Like I said, at least we got some time together out of the house. He has a great staff tonight and will be well taken care of. 

He will have to be there until tomorrow night at least, possibly until Monday. His heart is in Afibrilation flutter. So it's a flutter, not a quiver. Take notes. They said it takes 5 doses of this new medication before it really gets into his system, hence the longer than we'd like hospital stay. And they continue to assure us that this is a very common side-effect for post cardiac surgery patients. 

Oh, and included in this post is a picture of the "Respiratory Therapy". Jayme asked for another one...just because he can. (and because insurance is paying for it;) Maybe we'll Ebay it for $4,000.00 Any buyers?

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