Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Home and Settled

I can hardly believe Jayme's progress. Today feels almost as if the surgery never happened. Jayme's pacing around the house on the phone talking business talk that I don't understand and I can't help but wonder if the person on the other end even knows that he went underwent heart surgery just 5 days days ago. hahaha.

The Lord is our strength. Quite literally. It is God who is strengthening, rejuvenating, and refreshing us. 

I have to say it is really fun to listen to his heartbeat now! I used to be able to lay my head anywhere on his torso: over his heart, on his stomach, on his back and the beat was just as loud and as hard each place. I could even feel it strongly even if he just layed his stomach by my leg, this was one crazy loud, strong heartbeat. Well now I can only hear it in the place that I should!!! It's just amazing to me! 

We are also so very blessed. Our friends and family who have gotten us through this week and the weeks to come are just the most precious gifts. Helping with Evangeline, cleaning, calling, praying, running errands, visiting Jayme, letting us borrow some most useful objects, donating, bringing meals, surprise payments for all the prescriptions...you all are wonderful! 

We're still taking each day as it comes and I am still trying to balance my day to make sure that I take time to rest in the Lord. Otherwise my mind gets busy very quickly and I begin to worry about future things, mainly finances. But I can't wait to be able to share with you how our faithful Provider provides as amazingly as He is healing. 


  1. Well, Jayme, you are on the road to recovery! The incision looks great, as it begins to heal. But I am sure that you are NOT excited about the prospect of the itchy skin where your nipple/chest hair will be growing back! Think about it as an upper body bikini wax! Hope this makes you laugh, but does not make you hurt!

  2. Get Well Wishes coming your way Jayme! Glade to hear your doing so well. Get Well Soon!

    Genevieve my prayers are with you as well, your a wonderful wife & mother.

  3. Hi Jayme and Genevieve,
    You don't know me, but I found your site through Jimmy Wayne's blog. I have been ready your blog the past week. I wanted to tell you that your faith has been inspiring to me and I have been praying for you. I hope everything contiues to go well for you. One of my favorite scriptures that helps me when I am going through a trial or just need a reminder that God is there is Isaiah 46:4, which says, "Even to your old age and gray hairs. I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
    It sounds like you have the confidence and know that God is with you and that He is working in your life. I just wanted to share this verse. I will continue to pray for you and your beautiful family.
    May God bless you always, Kim

  4. Ha ha...I'm glad to know that it didn't change Jayme's 'business as usual' routine! Truly, this whole ordeal spells one BIG miracle and I'm excited to see what other amazing blessings God has in store for you...


    Jenny C~
