Thursday, March 5, 2009

1 Appointment Down, 1 To Go

Well we got ourselves to the hospital this morning at 5:50 a.m. Yep, we were even a little early. Of course they didn't even take us back until 6:45 :) We went through the standard prep work and at about 7:45 a.m. they wheeled Jayme back for the catheterization. 

Dr. Richardson came to find me at about 8:45 to let me know that everything went very well. No blockages or any other cause for concern was detected. The nurse walked me back to see him about 15 minutes later and informed me that Jayme kept them very entertained the whole time ;) They had Jayme on bed rest for the next 3 hours so they could make sure that the artery was closing and healing well. 

It was all I could do to not fall asleep in those 3 hours. We left the hospital at 1:15 p.m. Overall it was a smooth procedure and it always helps to have a great bunch of nurses and techs to work with, and we did! 

Jayme's resting now and does have a fair bit of aches and pains which we're hoping will subside by tomorrow. 

Now we are free of appointments until the pre-op appt. on Tuesday. And now I'm going to make a list of everything that needs ot be done by next Thursday. Wish me luck! 


  1. this is wonderful news!!!!!!!!!! thank you for the updates.

    PLEASE let me know how I can help you in any way. Seriously.


  2. Glad today went well. Karen remembered something that was helpful for post op. We bought Jay a back rest for sitting up in bed. They are called "Husbands" and I had a hard time finding one but he really liked it during his recovery period. It helps them to be able to sit with support in bed and the first couple weeks it is hard to sleep laying flat. Jay slept with his for quite a while. Jay says don't eat a heavy meal the night before surgery. He did and was really sorry! He had severe gas pain and was constipated for days. Not fun to talk about but something to keep in mind.

  3. Thanks guys!! Kelli I really may take you up on some help. I'll keep you posted :) And thanks Blanche...I know just what you're talking about with the husband chairs...I think you can find them fairly inexpensively too. I'll look for one for sure!

  4. Glad to have some helpful input. Know that you are ever in our prayers.
    Aunt Blanche
