Saturday, March 28, 2009

Back To The Hospital

No, I'm not kidding. We do have to go back to the hospital. Jayme's blood pressure machine has been reading an irregular heartbeat for the last few days and they finally called us back yesterday late afternoon. The nurse said that it is somewhat routine for post-surgery patients to develop this irregular heartbeat and that he would just need to come back in for another EKG and more than likely will have to stay the night for observation as they adjust his medications. 

She said it isn't urgent as in we needed to leave that minute but she doesn't want us to go another day with his heart in Atrial fibrillation if it's already been there for a couple days previous. 

Please think of Jayme today and hold him in your prayers as this tedious hospital visit just adds to the frustration of feeling like a full recovery is prolonged. Also please continue to pray for his heart to be functioning in perfect condition with no damage. I admit it's a little scary to be messing around and finding things that "work" and to be dependent on medications for the stability of his heart. 

Once again we can rest knowing that this season has purpose even in the moments when we feel like bumps on a log just sitting around ready for the rest of life to begin. This is life and it is full of purpose if we're willing to dig a little deeper to discover it. 

As always, I'll keep you posted! :) 

1 comment:

  1. "when we feel like bumps on a log just sitting around ready for the rest of life to begin."

    Oh, Gen...I understand the feeling of that....

    Love and prayers with you. Always.

