Monday, March 9, 2009

Pre-op Tomorrow

Pray for us as we will spend most of the day tomorrow at Vanderbilt for Jayme's pre-op appointment. It is surreal as we get so close to doing the thing we have talked about for almost a year now. 

I have to take this moment to say how thankful I am for Christ. He is the only source of peace as we literally put Jayme's life in someone else's hands. Someone we've spent probably 30 minutes speaking with. To recognize that God is the Author and Finisher of our life releases peace and purpose. We move forward in prayer and completely trust our lives to the One who created them. How does anyone live without Jesus? 

I still have questions, I still wonder if I could be doing something more or something different, if I could make God happier by doing better...but then I'm reminded of His love for us. He is not waving His finger at me in displeasure waiting until I "get it right". He is holding my heart, changing it, and drawing me closer to lay my head on His breast as He wraps us up in His peace and purpose. How extremely lovely! 

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