Friday, February 27, 2009

2 Week Countdown

Surgery is 2 weeks from yesterday, let the countdown begin.  I received the packet of information from Dr. Petracek's office today. Here is a brief schedule of the few days prior.

March 5th - Cardiac Catheterization 6:00 a.m. 
March 10th - Pre-op Testing at 8:20 a.m. and Teaching at 11:00 a.m. I assume the teaching is where they instruct us on what to anticipate for surgery and recovery and how to prepare for it. 
March 10th - 2 D Echo at 1:45 p.m. 
March 12th - Arrival at 8:00 a.m. Surgery at 12:30 p.m. - so for all of you who would like to be there at the hospital, disregard what I said about being there at 8:00, sleep in and lounge in your jammies awhile. Surgery actually begins at 12:30 p.m. 

As I'm thinking about the days to be spent in the hospital, I'm wondering how I can make it as easy or enjoyable as it can be for Jayme. If any of you have hospital/surgery experience and could tell me something you wish you had, something that made the time easier or more enjoyable I'd love to get some ideas. Even if you haven't been there yourself but you have an idea, let me know! So far I'm thinking of a giant snack basket...ixnay on the hospital food. 

1 comment:

  1. As I think back on Jay's surgery I remember his frustration of not being able to communicate right after surgery because he still had a tube in his throat. We dug out his old sign language skills and he asked questions using fingerspelling. That may not work for Jayme but bring a pad and pen for him to write out questions if he isn't able to talk for a while. Also, Jay liked having his ipod to listen to his favorite music while resting. If he has an ipod that plays his favorite TV shows that can fill the long days too. Mostly he will need to rest so keep the company to a minimum for the first few days. You'll know when he is well enough for more visitors when he starts to complain of being bored. You are in my prayers!! In 6 months he will feel so much better! Seems like a long time but remember this has taken a life time to get to and he will need some time to recover. Keep trusting the Lord. You two are a real inspiration as you put your faith and trust in the only One who can see us through tough times. Love you always, Aunt Blanche
